Michael Oldham, PhD

Michael Oldham, PhD

Principal Investigator

Research Interests: Human neurobiology, gliomas, tumor microenvironment, tumor vasculature, bioinformatics, multiscale and multiomic analysis

The overarching goal of Dr. Oldham’s research is to understand the cellular and molecular composition of human brain samples in health and disease, with an emphasis on adult malignant gliomas. Toward this end, the Oldham lab uses robotic automation to standardize production of large omics datasets from human brain samples, which are analyzed with custom computational pipelines to relate oncogenic mutations to patterns of molecular activity in malignant cells and the tumor microenvironment. These efforts seek to precisely quantify the cellular composition of human CNS samples while simultaneously distilling the core molecular features of cellular identity. By comparing these features between normal and pathological human brain samples, the Oldham lab seeks to expand the druggable search space for malignant gliomas and other human brain tumors.

Oldham Lab Website >


Education and Training

1996: BS, Duke University
2009: PhD, University of California Los Angeles 
2010: Postdoctoral Scholar, University of California Los Angeles 
2010-2015: UCSF Sandler Faculty Fellow, Department of Neurology and The Eli and Edythe Broad Center of Regeneration Medicine and Stem Cell Research

Academic Positions

2015-2020: Assistant Professor, Department of Neurological Surgery, UCSF
2020-Pressent: Associate Professor, Department of Neurological Surgery, UCSF

Selected Awards

2017-Present: NIH Principal Investigator, UCSF
2016: Weill Institute for Neurosciences Scholar Award, UCSF
2015: Program for Breakthrough Biomedical Research New Frontiers Award, UCSF
2012: Young Investigator, Sage Commons Congress, San Francisco, CA
2009: Sandler Faculty Fellow, UCSF
2008: Eva Kavan Prize for Excellence in Research on the Brain, Brain Research Institute, UCLA