UCSF neuropsychologist Elizabeth Choi, PhD

Elizabeth Choi, PhD


Specialties: Neurocognitive rehabilitation, neuropsychological assessment

Elizabeth Choi is a neuropsychologist, a specialist in the relationship between brain function, behaviors and emotions. Her clinical focus is on neurocognitive rehabilitation and emotional adjustment for patients with brain tumors. She collaborates with her patients to assess their behavioral and cognitive function and set realistic rehabilitation goals. Drawing on her expertise in neuropsychology and health psychology, she helps patients adjust to cognitive and emotional changes, enhance their coping strategies, and maximize individual strengths to improve quality of life.

Choi's research focuses on tracking cognitive changes and cognitive rehabilitation for adults with brain tumors. She studies interventions targeting fatigue and cognitive changes in neurologically progressive disorders.

Choi enjoys working with patients from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. As a neuropsychologist of Asian descent, she can provide culturally sensitive services in Cantonese and Mandarin.

Choi is a member of the neuropsychology and rehabilitation psychology divisions of the American Psychological Association. She holds leadership roles in the Asian Neuropsychological Association.


Education and Training

2016-2021: PhD, Psychology, Palo Alto University
2020-2021: Predoctoral Internship, Psychology, Rusk Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine, NYU Langone
2021-2023: Postdoctoral Fellowship, Neuropsychology, Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center

Academic Positions

2023-present: Clinical Neuropsychologist, Department of Neurological Surgery, UCSF