Online Consult: Adult Neurosurgery
This online peer-to-peer consultation service allows physicians to request an online neurosurgical consult with the Brain Tumor Center specialists at UCSF.
How to Request an Online Consult:
Note: This service is only available for physicians seeking a consultation. Patients should not use this form.
- Request a secure connection by clicking the button below.
- Follow the prompt to supply your contact information.
- A secure link will be sent to your email, which will re-direct you to lifeIMAGE’s secure online platform.
- On lifeIMAGE’s secure platform, you will be asked to fill out patient information and upload any relevant files (e.g. DICOM, jpg, tiff, png, pdf, doc, ppt). Please be prepared to submit the following:
- All head and/or spine MRIs and CTs
- All MD notes pertaining to patient diagnosis/treatment
- Pathology report (if available)
- We will respond to your referral request within two business days, using the email address or fax number provided. Please note that the consultation process cannot proceed without all required documentation. If your consultation request is missing necessary information, we will notify you within two business days.
Please note that with this online consultation process, we are not assuming care of the patient, and will not be contacting the patient directly. If you would like us to contact your patient directly, please use the Patient Referral option instead.
If you are a patient seeking a second opinion, please use the services below:
If this is a medical emergency, please immediately call your local emergency service number (911 in the United States) to get prompt medical attention, or go to the nearest emergency room.
- Requesting physicians from the states of Wyoming and Nevada must inform their respective local Medical Boards that a peer-to-peer consultation is taking place.
- The UCSF Brain Tumor Center is unable to accept online consultation requests from physicians practicing in New Mexico and Maine, as these states do not allow peer-to-peer consultation to include a written opinion.
This consultation is limited and provisional. It is not intended to replace a clinical/medical diagnosis or an in-person clinical consultation generated through an in-person physician examination with a full medical evaluation. For this on-line consultation the UCSF physician may not have all the important information that is typically obtained through an in-person physical examination, and the absence of a physical examination may affect the UCSF physician’s ability to opine on a condition, diagnosis, treatment, disease or injury. By requesting this service, I understand and agree that the UCSF physician’s activities with this on-line consultation are not a substitute for medical care provided by me as the patient’s requesting physician, and are not intended to establish, a physician-patient relationship. I, as the requesting physician maintain my role as the patient’s physician and hold all discretion in medical decision-making with my patient. I, as the requesting physician will determine which aspects of the advice provided by the UCSF physician, if any, will be acted upon and will be responsible for all aspects of patient care. I understand that use of this service does not in any way obligate me as the requesting physician to refer to UCSF or any of its affiliates. Use of this service does not indicate that my patient will be admitted or accepted as a patient at UCSF. By requesting this service, I understand and agree to assume the risk of these limitations, and have read and agree to be bound by this disclaimer and agreement.