Sobrato Brain Cancer Survivorship Program

Sheri Sobrato Brain Cancer Survivorship Program

We define a survivor as anyone living with a brain tumor, whether in or out of active treatment. Our survivorship program addresses the questions, “What does it mean to live a great life with brain cancer?” and “How can we support our patients and families in doing so?”

Our team of specialists have created programming that invite survivors to not only better cope with some of the lingering effects of cancer and treatment, but also to consider this a time to live their healthiest life yet and even thrive. We do this through offering individual consultation and group instruction that helps survivors identify and achieve their wellness goals and improve quality of life.

Our program offers survivors neurocognitive consultation and rehabilitation, exercise and wellness classes, education, support groups and peer support

Our mission is to enhance the wellness and quality of life of patients with brain tumors through a collaborative, multidimensional approach focusing on emotional, physical and cognitive health.

Services Available

Neurocognitive Care

UCSF neuropsychologist Christina Weyer Jamora, RN, PhD
Neurocognitive rehabilitation addresses the various language, motor, cognitive, and psychological impairments that brain tumors can cause.

Patient Support Groups

UCSF Thrivers sitting together in a circle at the 2022 NBTS walk
Our support groups help people living with brain tumors find space to connect and learn from others sharing similar experiences.

Peer Support

woman holding a cell phone at the park
This program connects patients for peer support. Our trained volunteers are available to share their experiences and provide confidential emotional, practical, and informational support.

Palliative Care

male patient in clinic
Palliative care addresses physical and emotional symptoms of cancer. Treatments integrate medical, psychological, social work and spiritual approaches, which are offered along with regular cancer care.

Exercise Program

Young woman doing sit-ups
The Workout for Wellness (WoW) program provides exercise classes for brain tumor patients and survivors, to help support their individual wellness goals and encourage physical activity.

Patient Events

Young man attending a Zoom webinar
The Sheri Sobrato Brain Cancer Survivorship Program offers a variety of in-person and virtual events throughout the year.

Patient Resources

Stack of colorful books
Our team has compiled educational resources for patients and survivors, including recorded webinars and survivor stories.


Two women talking
The psycho-oncology team, which includes psychologists and psychiatrists, provides supportive care to our patients and their families by addressing the emotional challenges of having a brain tumor.

Nutrition Counseling

A colorful assortment of fresh vegetables
Nutrition is an important component of your health, especially during brain tumor treatment and recovery. Our trained dietitians will help you navigate both general and cancer-specific concerns.

Integrative Approaches

A class doing yoga at the beach on a cloudy day.
A biannual seminar series to those with a brain tumor diagnosis who seek guidance on living their healthiest life possible.

We also offer specialized social work and case management, and have a social worker dedicated to sharing resources and solving problems that are unique to the brain tumor experience. Learn more >


Our Team

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A Program Inspired by Sheri Sobrato

The Sheri Sobrato Brain Cancer Survivor Program is named in honor of Sheri Sobrato, who was treated at UCSF for brain cancer, and is a long-time survivor. Diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor as a young adult, Ms. Sobrato was inspired to help address the unique challenges facing survivors, particularly as they go back to work or resume their daily activities.

Ms. Sobrato was instrumental in establishing the Sheri Sobrato Brain Cancer Survivor Program, which continues through support from philanthropic donations.

Learn how the Christina Capurro Sand Brain Tumor Fund has extended similar survivor wellness services and resources at Marin General Hospital and Napa Valley Neurosurgery Clinic.

Make a Gift


This project has been made possible in part by a grant from the Resonance Philanthropies Fund, an advised fund of Silicon Valley Community Foundation.