Hugging at the annual UCSF Caregiver Program Retreat

The Christina Capurro Sand Brain Tumor Fund

Helping people right here, right now.

This fund was established in honor of Christina Capurro Sand by her mother Jeanne Capurro, to support glioblastoma research and expand services that help patients with brain tumors and their families get the resources they need throughout the difficult experience of diagnosis, treatment, and bereavement.

Make a Gift

How Your Support Helps

The Christina Capurro Sand Brain Tumor Fund supports high risk, high reward scientific research, as well as clinical trials for brain tumor patients, to advance the field of neuro-oncology. The fund also connects brain tumor patients and their families in Marin to relevant supportive care services and resources. In coordination with the UCSF Neuro-Oncology Gordon Murray Caregiver Program and the Sheri Sobrato Brain Cancer Survivorship Program, new programming at UCSF / MarinHealth aims to provide care for patients and caregivers through direct outreach, support groups, special events, and education. 

Newly diagnosed brain tumor patients and their families first meet with a neurosurgery nurse in the hospital. Here, they are introduced to caregiver support and offered important information on the caregiver role post-surgery, including an online video and information on supportive care services available in Marin. Additional programming is in progress to provide caregiver and patient support groups, webinar series, and other resources. Patients and families also have access to the following:

  • Help navigating the healthcare system
  • Financial, disability and insurance information
  • Guidance for completing advanced health care directives
  • Resources on local mental health providers for additional support
  • Workout for Wellness (WoW) exercise program

Please reach out to Judy Choi ( for information about brain cancer survivorship resources and program offerings available at Marin General Hospital and the Napa Valley Neurosurgery Clinic.


Ways to Give



Make a gift using our secure online form

By Mail

Please make your check payable to the UCSF Foundation, and write "Christina Capurro Sand Brain Tumor Fund (7000-121087-7029366-45)" on the check's memo line. All checks can be mailed to the following address: 

UCSF Foundation
P.O. Box 45339
San Francisco, CA 94145-0339 


Other Gifts

To make a gift of securities (stock, mutual funds, and other properties) or discuss a planned estate gift, please contact:

Erica Hipp
Development and Alumni Relations
University of California, San Francisco