Surgeon in the operating room removing a brain tumor tumor

Adult Neuro-Oncology: Refer A Patient


To refer an adult patient to be seen at the Neuro-Oncology Clinic at UCSF Medical Center, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Fill out the UCSF Referral Form.
  2. Please fax the completed form to (415) 353-2167.
  3. You will be contacted and receive further instructions by phone. 

Required Materials

Please be prepared to supply the records below.

  • Pathology report
  • Operative/procedure report
  • All head and/or spine MRIs and CTs, from the most recent, to those taken pre-operatively. Send all, if possible.
  • At minimum, we must have both pre & post-op MRIs for comparison, if surgery involved more than a biopsy, If the patient has had or is currently in radiation therapy, we must have a post-radiation MRI. 
  • All MD notes pertaining to patient diagnosis/treatment
  • Radiation/chemo notes including treatment summary if treated.
  • Copy of most recent lab work – must be within 5 weeks of request


If you have any questions, please contact the Neuro-Oncology Clinic New Patient Coordinator at (415) 353-1904.