Social Work and Case Management
Neuro-Oncology social workers specialize in the care of patients with brain tumors and their loved ones.
Our Neuro-Oncology social workers, Lacy Fetting and Desiree Angelo, meet with all new patients when possible, assessing each person's individual needs and providing appropriate emotional and concrete support. This may include short-term counseling with patients and family, support groups, advocacy, and referrals to community resources. The social workers also provide information and education about advance directives, palliative care, hospice, family leave and disability benefits, insurance, lodging, transportation, and cancer-related support programs available at UCSF and in the community.
UCSF neuro-oncology patients who are interested in our social work and case management services, please contact Lacy Fetting (lacy.fetting@ucsf.edu). Caregivers should reach out to Desiree Angelo (desiree.angelo@ucsf.edu).